“Admissions open for class I to IX for the Academic year 2024-25.”
School Affiliation No. 330929 | Valid upto March 2029
School Affiliation No. 330929 | Valid upto March 2029
Know Us Better

About Us

Tender Hearts

We, at Tender Hearts, follow the CBSE Curriculum.

Tender Hearts is one of the most reputed educational institutions in Patna and uniquely positioned to educate and nurture our students with our unrivaled experience and commitment. We provide our students with the best of opportunities to excel in academics and develop their inherent skills.

Our modern approach to teaching ensures that students enjoy the experience and look forward to their academic time with a great degree of excitement and curiousness. We provide an extremely positive and warm learning environment where students take firm steps towards becoming responsible and caring citizens.

Our Philosophy

We want to provide every student with the academic package that will help them grow as an individual and enjoy a successful life in the school and beyond. Our focus is on academic excellence as well as personal development.

Our Objectives

We want to prepare our students to recognize the opportunities and take on the challenges. Our programs are designed to prepare them for leadership and collaboration.

Our Guiding Values

Our skilled teachers know how to maximize the potential of every student by paying personalized attention. All activities are tracked to ensure the overall development of the child’s personality.


Our mission is to create an educational institution where the welfare and future of the student is at the core of all activities. We prepare our students for the future by using a blend of carefully chosen curriculum and research programs. Our focus is not only on delivering excellent academic coaching but also creating a highly conducive environment for other much-needed activities such as sports, arts, and others. We have developed a proven method of discovering the inherent skills of every student and help them strengthen their capabilities in that area of activity through continuous encouragement and proper guidance.


The vision of our school is to create an excellent academic institution to impart contemporary teaching with traditional values.

  • To provide a stimulating environment for the 360-degree development of students.
  • To impart education by complementing conventional classroom teaching with smart digital classes.
  • To focus on critical facets of a proven education system that combines physical strength and mental fitness.
  • To implement an enriching learning mechanism that supports theoretical knowledge.